First time exploring GRITfit?


GRITfit is Sensible Fitness for REAL People.

When was the last time you truly loved exercise? Have you ever moved your body for reasons that had nothing to do with changing its size or shape? Do you ever feel anxiety, guilt or obligation around fitness? It is our hope that GRITfit can offer something better than what you may have experienced from exercise in the past.

For so many of us, movement/exercise/fitness has become a tool that we use to control a “misbehaving body” or as a punishment for something we have or have not done. At GRITfit, we help you discover that movement is something that can be enjoyable and make the rest of your life better! And, as a bonus, you will find the most amazing community of people!

“Grit is about working on something you care about so much that you're willing to stay loyal to's doing what you love, but not just falling in love―staying in love.” Angela Duckworth

Toxic fitness culture bullies us into believing that the best use of movement is to subdue or control our “misbehaving body”. But because we are dynamic and ever-changing living organisms, every day is a unique experience that is best responded to in a unique way. Through intentional practice, clients learn that sometimes grit is a choice to push hard and other times it is a choice to move more easily.

Regardless of what grit means to you, we can help you discover that movement can be falling and staying in love with your first and forever home: your magical body.

Grit is in all of us


  • You’re a believer! That’s great! We encourage you to use the unlimited week for $25 offer before purchasing a full membership as it is important to know our program is a good fit for you. Click here to sign up for a week of unlimited classes for $25. If you’d like to go directly to membership sign up, once you are in the fitDEGREE platform, follow the prompts. OR email Emily at and she will get you all set up!

  • Any changes that you would like to make to your membership need to be submitted in writing (email to) a minimum of 10 business (14 days) in advance of your billing date or the changes will NOT be reflected until the following month. You can email Emily at OR to make any changes.

  • Classes range from 45 to 60 minutes. For a class by class breakdown, click here.

  • Dress in clothing in which you feel most comfortable moving. Oftentimes clients take off their shoes to move and that is fine with us. (There are socks available for use in the gym!). If it happens to be cold out, dress in layers so you can take some off as you warm up!

  • You are already in shape…the shape of YOU! Come as you are, we are here to meet you where you are right now and help you on your fitness journey.

  • A GRITfit Unlimited Membership gives you full access to all weekly classes (3 of which are also coached live online via Zoom), open gym time and specific classes and workshops that are offered at the gym. Click here to see our full weekly calendar and any upcoming special events.

  • GRITfit is focused on helping you become more connected to your body and your own experience of your life. Oftentimes, dieting can take the focus away from our internal landscape and turn it outward to the world. While we will support you in all of your decisions, we do not offer weight loss as a part of our program. We do, however, have a Registered Dietitian who works with our clients and offers a variety of workshops and courses throughout the year. To learn more about KT Nutrition, click here.

  • There are several reasons why we limit the use of mirrors at GRITfit. The primary reason is that we want to help our clients learn how to focus on how movement feels in their body instead of how it looks. There are several secondary reasons and we would love to share those with you! Just let us know and we’ll give you more detailed information.

  • At this time we do not have a shower. There is a large bathroom for changing, however.

  • GRITfit-ness is limited to 10 in-gym participants as well as unlimited participation online. GRITfit STRONG is limited to 10 participants and Kinstretch® is limited to 8 participants.

  • GRITfit has both men and women as clients. However, the majority of our clients are women.

  • We Do! We offer 3 classes weekly online at the same time as they are coached live in the GRITfit gym. These classes are live streamed via the Zoom platform and are also available for workouts on your own via our private Facebook group for Members only. You will receive Zoom access with your membership.